Monday, September 27, 2010

Using Ning: Classroom 2.0

I’ve actually heard of Classroom 2.0 before even though I didn't know it was apart of Ning, so I decided to check it out.  Classroom 2.0 is “a social network for those interested in Web 2.0 and Social Media in education.” I liked that I saw the description:  “We especially hope that those who are "beginners" will find this a supportive comfortable place to start being part of the digital dialogue,” because I’m new to this whole Ning thing.  There are links to articles and other sources, events advertised, online events to participate in, and a forum with multiple threads created, to name a few.  One of the things I particularly was interested in checking out was the groups.

A group has been created for High School Math Teachers to join a community.  There are is a discussion board with different threads, one of them I found perked my interest because it was about teaching Algebra 2.  Last year I student taught this course and found some challenges since it was the first year being offered after changes in the NYS curriculum.  Finding this page and discussion forum made me realize that if I find groups like this I can connect with other teachers experiencing the same things as myself, and I can get advice from more experienced teachers…I can also take the time to share any advice of things I have come across.

Another group I checked out was for Middle School Math.  From viewing this group I was very impressed!  This man David R. Wetzel posted links of articles to his page, Teach Science and Math:  Dedicated to encouraging & supporting K-12 teachers.  I was very intrigued upon reading the titles of some of his posts, especially the most recent one on using Google Docs in Science and Math classrooms.  Apparenlty there are templates of already made documents that I could use; I had no idea!  In my one grad class my professor is very adamant on using Google Docs so I have been using it a lot lately, but I had no idea it could be such a resource for me to use as a teacher.  I’m excited to check this out!  If I didn’t click on this Middle School Math group apart of Classroom 2.0, I never would have found access to David Wetzel’s Teach Science and Math page!  I’m therefore very impressed with Ning and I’m sure after spending some more time checking it out I will find a lot more valuable information I can use in my future teaching!  : )

1 comment:

  1. Isn't it just marvelous that we can now easily connect with each other and share!

    Dr. Burgos
