Friday, October 8, 2010

Interesting Article

One article that I found to be beneficial was Month In Review - September's Most Popular Posts, via Free Technology for Teachers. Since I haven’t been checking this blog frequently enough from going to my Blogger and looking at my blogroll for updates until subscribing to my Google Reader account, I missed a lot of good posts within the last month. Therefore I was very grateful that the top ten posts for the month of September were recorded and linked for me to look at. Most of them were worthwhile. It also is nice that Richard Byrne takes the time to “recap” some of the best sites for anyone that hasn’t had time to check frequently in their very busy schedules.  I particularly found interest in the post, 47 Alternatives to Using You Tube in the Classroom, because many schools do not even have access. If a teacher finds something at home that is worthwhile to show to their students, they may not have the opportunity. Therefore, I was shocked to see SO many alternatives…I had only really thought of just simply using Teacher Tube or School Tube, the first two suggested, but not the other 45!  I did appreciate viewing some of the other sites as well. In this post, Julie Greller's A Media Specialist's Guide to the Internet, is also mentioned and I took the time to check it out and it is a really nice site! Byrne quotes in another post, “a well organized resource that all K-12 educators could benefit from. Julie has organized her site into three sections, one each for elementary, middle, and high school.” Definitely worth checking out. When I clicked on the page, the 2nd most recent post was a great blog for math teachers, Mathematics and Multimedia! I love how I’m always finding more and more blogs/links/resources online from others in the field as I surf around the internet.

1 comment:

  1. It sounds as if your Internet explorations have been very fruitful!
    Dr. Burgos
